Meridian Consulting

Cloud Management: Trends To Keep Up in 2020

In the last few years, cloud management has experienced a revolution of its own. Every third company is adopting cloud environments for their compliance, security, and efficiency. Here is a list of Trans you can adopt in 2020 to change the landscape of cloud management.

Security Management

Cloud management prioritizes security over everything else especially when it’s about securing data in the public cloud. Previously the term security was defined as access control, permissions, and policy creation by the cloud management providers but times have changed now. The new definition includes cloud security gateways, workload security, encryption, and threat intelligence to ensure the safety of sensitive and important data whether private or public. From proactive monitoring to using in-depth defense strategies, cloud security can be enhanced with best practice protocols.

Hybrid Infrastructure Management

Using a hybrid approach can prove to be highly beneficial for the infrastructure. A careful balance of both on-cloud and on-premise infrastructure is going to be the future of cloud management. If you have a cohesive cloud management system, the infrastructures can be converged easily giving you a better knowledge of data handling and improving security and visibility. A hybrid cloud roadmap can help organizations in re-configuring their businesses to work on-premises and in the cloud to make the best out of both.

Consolidating Tools

With continuous rapid consolidation of the tools market, the software market is bound to be transformed. Cloud management vendors are being acquired by the software companies to offer cloud management services alongside the normal output. Since a lot of companies struggle with the migration in moving their processes into the cloud space, collaborations from enterprises and vendors can be expected in the future. This will result in independent cloud management vendors offering a level of stability in their fully dedicated cloud services.

Multi-Cloud Management

The multi-cloud revolution has arrived and it’s here to stay. Many organizations have started opting for a multi-cloud environment. The companies benefit from services like better workload flexibility and no vendor lock-in. Working across multiple-clouds can turn out to be quite difficult and costly which is why multi-cloud management is of utmost importance. Using a multiple cloud management approach will not only optimize the services but also reduce latency between multiple deployments.

Cloud Cost Optimization

With the multi-cloud infrastructure becoming common, organizations find it difficult to manage their cloud IaaS budgets due to a lack of cloud cost optimization management. The teams are not equipped with the right processes to manage costs across complex cloud environments which raises the need for cloud cost optimization. A cloud management system is required that not only shows the source of charges but also helps in optimizing the costs. The process can also be used to forecast future expenses and make long-term commitments more convenient. Cloud cost optimization can pinpoint the areas where the cloud is not being used efficiently so that the budgets can be used more wisely.

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